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The First Party Congress of BEWG was Successfully Held 2018-10-26

On October 26, 2018, the first Congress of CPC Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited (BEWG) was held in Beijing. Tian Zhenqing, Secretary of Party committee and Chairman of BEWG, attended the Congress and made an important speech. Hu Yintong, Secretary of Party committee of BEWG, member, vice chairman and Deputy General Manager of Secretary of Party committee of BEWG, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of BEWG, Ji Wei, member of standing Party committee and Secretary of Party committee of BEWG, Yu Jie, Deputy Secretary of party Committee of BEWG, and Wang Yongjun, Secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection of BEWG attended the Congress. 100 official representatives of the BEWG, over 40 invited representatives and relevant leaders of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited (Beijing Enterprises) participated in the Congress. In addition, Li Yongcheng and Zhou Min, as special representatives, participated in the group discussion.

Li Li, Executive Director and Executive President of BEWG delivered an opening speech and expressed warm congratulations on the victory of the Group's first party congress.

Jin Feng, Vice President and Secretary of the Party Committee of BEWG, gave a work report titled Gathering Strength, Courage in Innovation to Enter a New Era and Create New Glories. In this report, Jin Feng highly summarized and concluded the achievements and basic experience of the reform and development and party building of BEWG during the ten years of restructuring and listing, carefully analyzed the situation, tasks and requirements of the Group's development and put forward main tasks of the Group's reform and development goals and party building work in the next five years.

Tian Zhenqing made an important speech. He fully affirmed the great achievements made by the development of BEWG for ten years, and pointed out that the Party committee and the executive agency were mutually integrated and promoted relations, to realize the integration and development of Party committee and enterprises. For the future reform and Party building of BEWG, Tian proposed four suggestions and hopes: first, it is necessary to take advantage of the trend and innovate and develop, to further enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises; second, the Party should administrate the Party and manage the Party in a strict manner, and promote the reform and development of enterprises by strengthening Party building; third, it is necessary to further explore the Party building of mixed ownership enterprises and contribute typical cases for Party building innovation in the new era; and fourth, it is necessary to further explore the Party building of enterprises in other cities and strive to form a new model for party building of other cities.

Yu Jie made a closing speech on behalf of Party committee of Beijing Enterprises, and hoped that the new "two committees" would be duty to defend the responsibility, conscientiously implement the four requirements put forward by Secretary Tian Zhenqing, vigorously implement the "dual platforms" strategy, make efforts to answer the "integrated Party building" era subject and take the lead in providing the Water Solutions of BEWG. At the end of the Congress, the First Party Congress of BEWG was successfully closed in the solemn singing of "Internationale".